There ya have it. My favorite photos from our loooong, 39 photo filled, summer collection lookbook. The collection featuring over 40 new designs launched on Monday, July 23rd! Check out the full thing
here, and take a look at our short
video lookbook as well! I suggest you watch it in 720p (HD). It really creates the full effect.
We took a day and a half to shoot the entire thing, and I want to sincerely thank everyone who was a part of it. All my models, my parents, and the people who took part in helping me edit photos and generally improve the website all over, including a new logo, thanks to
a certain special someone from Thank you thank you. I especially (even though I just mentioned her), want to thank my girl from
Dark Vice for skyping with me for thirteen straight hours (my first REAL all-nighter where I saw the sun come down and rise back up the next morning), then messaging each other for another six hours the next day. I went 48 hours with no sleep, all for Miracle Eye. My last two days in Colombia were spent confined in my cousin's room skyping with
Sophie on upgrading stuff, including the new slideshow, the homepage, and the logo. I strongly suggest anyone who ever needs help with coding, or needs graphic design work done, GET AT HER. She rules. If you don't need any design work done, follow her blog. Her photos are insane, and her style is equally unbelievable. Lastly, thank you Sophie's awesome boyfriend, Reiss, for not hating me (I think) for taking your girlfriend away on a week(end) day while you were watching Midnight in Paris alone + kind of confirming to me that Colombia is extremely dangerous + that the show Cops is SO terrible that's it's good. THANKS, DUDE.
This last photo was taken on set on the first day of shooting by my mom in a quick sec before I handed the girls the outfits for the next location. Thanks, mom!
Do you see a familiar, *small* face on the left of the photo? ;-)
Miracle Eye on Instagram: shopmiracleeye