Hi! So today (in actuality, YESTERDAY) I wore a black maxi skirt purchased at my local thrifty for $3, an old blue velvet shirt also purchased at my thrifty (you can just assume my entire closet is pre-loved). Paired it with some classic brown wedges. I thought the backround was boring so I decided to make my own using le Photoshop! I also bought some dye to color my hair red again. So excited since my roots are like 283947234 inches grown out. I'll be dying it tomorrow so you can see it. Today I met this guy Downtown, his name is Rocco. He is very very funny and lovable and stuff. He's pretty old (adult) haha, but I was with my parents and they approved, cuz parental approval is all the RAG3 these dayz with ~REBELZZZZ!!!!11! No, but seriously he's fucking awesome and real. He also sells on eBay like me! So that's like just great! He owns this vintage store that he's had for a week and it's really nice! I'll be staying the entire day next Saturday at it with him and stuff. He's gonna teach me his tricks and all that jazz for eBay even though I've been on it for 4 years haha. Eeeeeenyways, I also went thrift shoppin' today for my shit (beautiful clothing items) to list on eBay! Oh and, is it just me or does the model on the hair dye package look like Scarlett Johanson's twin?
The shoes in the 1st photo are cute and nice camera
haha! I love your posts they are so funny. Also you have great style! I like your velvety top and maxi skirt, awesome that its thrifted.. :)
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