OUTFIT 1: This Marisota strapless boho dress would look great with a velvet kimono, this Maisota gold coins cuff, and some JC wedges!

OUTFIT 2: I just HAVE to say that this Marisota small floral bag is adorable and did I mention it's tapestry? AMAZING. It deserves all the spotlight, because you know how bags are totally considered people? Yeah. I think it would look great with a pair of black lace bell bottoms, a floral halo, a sheer blouse of any color, and a vintage egyptian necklace. I feel like any pair of flatforms would look great with this.

OUTFIT 3: This Marisota bag in floral would look amazing with a lace dress, a lightweight suede vest, and a pair of tan loafers or wedges. That's keepin' it adorable. OR a pair of creepers or Docs instead of the tan wedges or loafers to incorporate a lil grunge ;)

OUTFIT 4: This Marisota vintage-inspired brown bag would look incredible with a charcoal grey wool coat, a pair of sheer black tights, black or red velvet wide shorts, and a kick ass ripped up graphic tee from the 90s. I think you can go with black suede creepers with this one or some black & white loafers!

OUTFIT 5: Now this Marisota bag.. Oh god. It's beautiful.. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. I'm prettttty sure that Christina Aguilera wrote Beautiful just for this bag because I know a lot of people won't 'get' it, but those who do, will certainly appreciate its pattern and material. I would pair this with a killer black long-sleeve maxi dress belted on the waist, a pentagram necklace, and a faux fur vest with a pair of Tardys by JC. Just.. Yes and double yes to this entire outfit.

Obviously, I've got a thing for the bag collection at Marisota .. Ha. This is considering that bags don't usually matter to me, but these are all drop dead GORGEOUS.
Additionally, they're hosting a giveaway on their blog right now! Click here to enter! Who doesn't love free stuff? If you're a little impatient or aren't interested in what they're giving away, like them on Facebook for a sweet 15% discount on your next order!
I spent a few hours making these collages based fully on my style. I would wear every single one of these outfits *if I could afford all the beautiful pieces included*. Please let me know what you thought, I may do them frequently if you guys like them :)
I love the 1st and 3rd look. You did an awesome job with these-- I could totally see you wearing all of this.
love the shoes in the first outfit.
Where are the red velvet shorts from in the fourth look?
So pretty! But really, I want/need everything here! Ughh, shopping spree cannot happen, but needs too haha
PS. We've a DORIS giveaway on our blog! Check it out, if you'd like! :)
ox from NYC,
love love love
Aw nice, these remind me of the polyvore sets I used to make a few years ago... man I was seriously OBSESSED with it for a few months there.
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