Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dream Police

shorts - c/o SheInside // shirt - UNIF via Connected // jacket - vintage // sunglasses - Miracle Eye // boots - thrifted 

You know, it's funny how close-minded/plain out stupid some people are (especially through the internet). It's through here that I have managed to find most idiots on Earth. Don't get me wrong, in real life there are plenty of idiots to go around (can't remember the last time someone hasn't angrily dodged me with their eyes at least twice in one day.. Maybe when I was 13 or 14..? So like three years ago?). 

No matter what you do, you can never please them. Yep, I'm referring to haterz. Fuck you. This h8 ball on my tee is directed towards you. I hope you never have the pleasure of eating a perfect pizza slice, fokin' bitchez.

Here's a photo of some macaroni and cheese pizza that the nice people get (like you and I).


R▲CHEL said...

i love you! lets eat all the pizza

*To Wanderlust* said...

hahaa oh your posts always make me smile! Why is your hair always so perfect, I wish I was brave enough to be a bit more daring with mine. Is that macaroni on a pizza?! I've never seen that before! xx

Marlon d. said...

How can there be a 16 year old girl as cool as you? Shit, I say in all.ALL.I just want to meet you and eat all pieces of pizza in the world with you one day

Nora said...

mac and cheese pizza?! wtf, i never had that and i'm nice!! :'( tear.

can't believe anybody would hate on someone like you .. people are sad, just really really sad.
i like you!

Angelina said...

woah what the hell macaroni and cheese pizza I want it. so freakin' glad the haterz don't get any. You're way awesome duh H8RZ GONNA H8. And go hungry.

in other news: your magic h8 ball is magic. i want your boots. and pizza.

Laura. said...

Love your hair so much - you look awesome!

Taylor Balding said...

LITERALLY just had mac and cheese pizza yesterday. It was a magical experience.
blah. people on the internet piss me off so much. Nothing gets me more than people who think its ok to bully someone because they have their computer screen to hide behind.
Love your outfit. UNIF always makes me happy.

Isabel Hendrix said...

I love you.
and pizza.

Constance said...

Gosh, i love your hair!!!

UB said...

ahh i love you. your so good at being c00l n' stuff.

i want pizza now.

ScatterrBrained said...

omg mac and cheese pizza... danke :D

rebecca x

bravegrrl said...

thank you so much for this post! i've had some haters lately blah on their faces! errrrr!

but i love you and those boots and shorts and well... yah the entire thing...

love ya! xoxo

Anonymous said...

lovely like always
is always a pleasure stop by your blog!

Anie said...

You are wonderful...and I really fucking want that pizza :)

Much Love