1. Why is fashion important to you? Fashion tells a lot about a person. It shows ones confidence, taste, open-mindedness, etc. It makes the world a more interesting place, as we are all very visual. I love people watching, and I love mixing and matching (or clashing) different styles with each other. I have always liked to express myself with the way I dress. The only problem is...I am getting old. I probably shouldn't continue dressing like I am a teenager. Or should I?
2. What's your city/town like - fashion scene? It depends on where you're at. The city is divided but where I hang out would be considered the "downtown" scene. I live and work here, and this is where the most eclectic fashion can be seen. As far as the midwest goes, I think we aren't too shabby. Lots of free spirits, lots of everything. But in other parts of the city, you will find your stereotypical midwestern boring nothingness. It's just not important to some people.
3. When and how did you first spark an interest in fashion? I would say my style has evolved since middle school. I have gone through so many phases. I guess people refer to all of it as "finding yourself", and I am still not sure I have even found myself, as my tastes change regularly.
4. How would you describe your style? Hmm. I'd like to think people would look at me and assume I am NOT from Nebraska. I would say slightly bohemian/grunge/beach/southwestern/gypsy/alternative. Or maybe that's just what I wish I were. ;-)
5. Do your friends dress similarly to you - do they care about the way they dress? My friends do and they don't. We are all interested in fashion, but we are interested in different areas of it. My best friend (cousin, as well) loves to dress like a pinup girl, and she is perfect for it - platinum blonde hair always up in pin curls or waves, red lipstick, she looks like Lady Gaga actually. Everywhere we go she gets some sort of Gaga reference. Otherwise I have friends that dress very 90s, grunge, retro, preppy, girly. They're all over the board. That's the thing about Nebraska. I have been told numerous times by people that move here. No one cares. We aren't only friends with people just like us. We are very open to being friends with everyone. Rich, poor, athletes, bookworms, status means almost nothing. I have heard and seen that this is quite different in other cities.

6. What has been your best experience of blogging so far? Well I love editing photos. I always have. I don't do a lot of editing, but the little that I do is very fun. Also I love the amazing comments and e-mails I get from my readers. Everyone has been very supportive. Most bloggers are from the coasts and have real-life blogger friends and here I have nothing. Just me. I'm very thankful to have such kind readers. Also, as my readers know...I am a huge fan of etsy. I get a lot of companies contacting me wanting banners and discount codes and yadda yadda but I prefer working with independent sellers and artists. Much more personal.
7. Do you ever have vivid dreams? Yes!! Nightmares. Good dreams too, but mostly vivid nightmares are the ones I remember. I have a reoccurring dream that I am on a cliff over a bed of oozing lava (kind of like the scene in the last Lord of the Rings where Gollum falls into the fiery pit) holding my brother in one hand, and my sister in the other. They are both dangling over the edge and I can only save one of them. I always wake up before I have to drop one. Terrible, terrible dream. Who wants to choose something like that??
8. What is your favorite place to shop? Oh hmm. Etsy. Original things. Go figure. ;-)
9. One trend you're digging right now. Totally into shredded shorts. Have been for awhile, but now I see bloggers everywhere sporting them. Awesome.
10. What music genre do you like most? I love tropical indie new wave. Whatever that is. My favorite band is The Tough Alliance. They remind me of a new wave Beach Boys on acid having a fun time on the beach. Sooo good. Love steel drums and anything tropical sounding.
11. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? I love the southwest in the US. Otherwise maybe Malaysia. Or Morocco. Somewhere way more exotic.
12. If there were to be a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? Anything to hit them with and some sort of body armor. Steel or chain gear. No one can bite through that.
13. What do you do in your spare time? I work out! I am a fitness freak and I love to eat everything in sight, so working out is imperative. I am a beachbody coach and I help motivate those to work out and do the programs I do. Also I enjoy exploring new places, being with my friends, and watching shows like Swamp People, Dexter, Death Note, Arrested Development...the list goes on.
14. What are your plans for the future? Possibly move to the southwest...?
15. Where does most of your inspiration originate from? Everything. Literally everything. Bloggers, magazines, old movies, old photos, road trips.
16. Have you ever had to face a negative experience because of how you dress? Yeah, but I shrug it off. Who cares, right?
17. Who is your favorite designer?
Oooh. I love Leila Shams and Mara Hoffman.
18. What clothing item do you feel others should wear more?
Boots. Boots are always in, no matter what season. I love boots.
19. What advice would you give anyone interested in showing off their style? Be confident. That's all that matters. Own what you do and who you are.
20. Do you feel like fashion has any actual boundaries? Well...maybe don't look like a whore. If you don't have curves, this should be no problem. I have issues feeling like I look skanky due to my stupid boobs that somehow won't go away no matter how hard I exercise and how much I duct tape them. Dumb boobs. Hate 'em.
I hope this interview turned over some inspiration to you as it definitely did for me. Casey is remarkably special and strange at the same time.. Every single post of hers since I've followed her presence is just unbelievable. Now we know what's really behind those freckles, pale skin, and red hair :) If you liked her and her fabulous style, please visit her blog here! Thank you so much Casey for allowing me to interview you, it was an honor.