Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Do you ever wonder how the universe began? How we, as humans, are miniscule little beings breathing air to live a meaningless life to the universe? We're not giving anything back. I'm referring to the universe as a whole. It's like, there's a world, just for us humans, and we judge each other by our accomplishments, but that's only in our little bubble. Does that make sense? It means nothing in the larger, real sense. It's weird to think about it like that. Afraid to flirt with that guy across from you at the beach? Whether or not you embarrass yourself and face rejection or feel flattered by his enthusiasm in you requesting to give him your number, it means nothing. If you two end up having children, it still means nothing. If that child discovered the cure to cancer, it STILL means nothing. Nothing. The universe will continue. This massive, universe that reaches unfathomable sizes will continue to breathe. I would say grow, but I don't know how large the universe is, therefore I would be lying. This blog means nothing. The internet is nothing. It's another useless piece of junk humans got a hold of to occupy their meaningless lives. Business, money, power overall is an awful thing made of nothingness. Jeez. Sorry to be so pessimistic. Whatever. I want some cheese fries.

Top - ASOS
Blouse - from my local thrifty
Shorts - from my local thrifty + DIY
Shoes - JC
Jewelry - vintage/Etsy
Sunglasses - Miracle Eye


Annika said...

love the top and boots :)
how do you get these looks so perfect?


Marlon d. said...

I love the first photo! How your blog is so perfect?

Amy said...

I need those shoes in my life! xx

Laura said...

AH I have the matching skirt to that! I love those shoes though oh my!


Allison said...

I sometimes take comfort in the fact that ultimately everything I do is basically meaningless in the context of the universe. It means there's no pressure to live up to any grand expectation. What I do with my life is meaningful only to me in the end, so it gives me the freedom to live for myself and make the choices that make me happy. I don't even know if that makes sense. Anyway, I like how your outfit matches your hair.

Selena said...

this sounds like the PERFECT conversation to have possibly this Friday night while partaking in another certain activity. your style is seriously so freakin good gets me every time. how are you so young and perfect? gah! i love you

Sophie Frances said...

The universe is scary when you think about it. Earth is really just a little insignificant dot in the grand scheme of things. No matter what we do in life it will never match the power of the universe. It's frightening but beautiful.
On a completley different note, your outfit is super rad. Especially that top.

R▲CHEL said...

Larissa you are perfect and I love you. this outfit, meaningless as it may be, is fucking rad. oh yeah and DIE ANTWOORD in two days. wooo woooo see you soon!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your top!

XO Sahra

Unknown said...

For real it blows my mind to think about my place or even the whole earths place in the universe. Sometimes I think that it doesn't matter and that we should just live life for ourselves, other times I am sure that there must be a higher being who created this for us but either way is kind of scary. Wither nothing we do matters or everything we do does I really don't know but I do know that in the mean time I will just try to make the best of what life gives me. And I love that you finished your little speech with "I want cheese fries" whenever life gets to confusing at least there is yummy food and great outfits to look at on the internet! Totally digging your outfit while I pig out on frozen yogurt =D


N A D J A ☾ said...

im a new follower and i must say your hair is awesome, magical even xx


Frilly Frenchie said...

gorgeous shoes!!

katieanne said...

you are a gem <3

MADELINE said...

Did you read the interview on HuffPo with the theoretical astrophysicist? He was talking about this! He was saying that the universe is expanding so steadfastly that it will eventually expand into nothingness again, and that shouldn't terrify us; it should, instead, free us to live our lives to the fullest and embrace every moment! It was actually remarkably uplifting!

E said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

cute outfit, love the shorts

Adaora x

Taylor Balding said...

Have you seen the movie The Art of Getting By? Because if not you need to see it. The main guy in it totally talks about the same thing.

Emma Louise said...

Your shoes <3 wow! I love them! I have the much cheaper/less cool Topshop ones! Love all your looks, you're so edgy!

Isabel Hendrix said...

(but 4 real the paragraph was amazing)

Aine O said...

love the shoes and top and shirt!! and shorts, its all amazing!!