Speaking of Facebook, it will no longer be accessible to anyone, as well as Youtube, eBay, Tumblr, Twitter, and dare I say it..... Etsy. Hold your tears in for that last one, and please take two seconds to sign this petition against SOPA and PIPA. After signing, feel free to drench your keyboard in Maybelline mascara filled tears. Congress is planning on passing a new bill censoring the internet on the 24th. I'm counting my days and am just hopeful that they come to their senses soon. There are so many more important things going on in our country. Try getting us out of this rut for once, will ya?
Now I feel awkward listing what my outfit consists of when the internet's life is going to be decided in a few days from today.. Oh well. This is my blog and I can make it awkward if I want to. I got this new bag at my favorite flea market two weeks ago and I am in LOVE. Like seriously, it's perfect. It holds nearly all my packages when I go to the postal office and once I clean out a little better, I'm going to start using it for school. I've been using it non-stop everyday when I go fabric shopping or to the library. It's soooooooooooooo *cleans drool off keyboard* perfect. Also, I've been wearing huge blouses that I've thrifted as dresses after being inspired by Kat and Madeline talking/including outfit photos of over-sized blouses being used as dresses with a belt. I've also decided to not touch my hair for the remainder of the month. I'm planning on dying it an extreme color soon and I don't want it to end up like my rabbit's favorite snack, Timothy Hay, therefore I will not be straightening/bleaching my ends/dying my roots for a while. I want healthy, pretty hair. Not coarse, gruesome looking hair. I'm actually a little undecided on what color to dye it as I've already got a few wigs on the way, but I still think that not burning it with a hot iron for a while is a good idea.
Black daisies blouse worn as a dress - thrifty
Brown belt - hand me down
Brown leather backpack - Melrose trading Post
Creepers - online

love the dress. you're amazing !
I adore your daisy dress!
Also, I seriously don't know who supports SOPA/PIPA other than greedy corporations (MPAA, etc.). Hopefully our congress-people do not use their vote for lobbying money, but rather with the safety and free speech of their constituents in mind.
love love and lovely cats
I like your wool cap! ^^
your baaag is sooo cooool. OMG speaking of cool, you know how you have your nose pierced? well I'm gonna get mine pierced doubley! haha sorry that was random it just was in the last picture. your nose stud. yeaahhh.. I guess if you can be an awkward blog writer, I can be an awkward blog commenter..
ps get out of town! your hat is too muc to handle!! and I really like you jacket.
oh and also, good piece on SOPA/PIPA. I agree wholeheartedly.
Your bag is amazing ! Give it to me ! xx
Great outfit! Love the bag.
I love florence and the machine, you should totally check out her new album, ceremonials. I'm in love with it at the moment. That oversized blouse idea is great, yours looks very 90s.
Scrolling down i thought "aww what a cute kitten..uh, what ?". I think I need one of those, place it on my dining table and invite friends over to eat. Have them sit down and wonder why the hell the cat ain't moving.
Love how you paired up that cinch belt with that great jeans jacket, so cute !
Seriously amazing how the government wants to limit our social liberties. {after I type this they'll probably shut me down too}.
and your outfit!
I'm trying to find a petition i can sign as a non-american!
you're gorgeous!
ah I love your style, the hat is the cutest thing. x
You are so beautiful! Cute look, great dress and bag!!
Linda from www.moonon.com
love the photographs.
I love your loook!
I really want an oversized vintage denim jacket but can never find one in my size
Jazz xo
mascara-filled tears, ha, i love your writing, you've got a gift!
and yet again, i want something from your wardrobe, can i borrow that jean jacket!? i cannot find one ANYWHERE around here! x
and durrr, i just re-read your post and saw the shop link! im popping over right now, cheers! xxx
cool look, love the dress ad the bag!
Great outfit-- I love the black and white with the rainbow colors. I signed a couple of those petitions the other day-- I REALLY hope those bills don't get passed.
Yes, SOPA and PIPA can go back to the miserable land that they came from. Seriously, shit like that makes me wonder what the people running the U.S are thinking, I mean.. SERIOUSLY?!!!!!!!
Anyway. Hehe, I used to wear shirts as dresses a lot when I was like 17/18... then I kind of got over it. You know when you do something for a while and you move on? Yeah... this daisy shirt looks awesome on you though. I think you're rocking the shirt as dress look better than I did.
I wish I could dye my hair some outrageous colour too, but it's too thin :(
You look stunning, I'm in love with your dress and denim jacket combo! And those 'anti-piracy' laws are quite possibly the dumbest thing ever, I really hope they won't get passed <3
This is a fabulous outfit - and a fabulous post, well done for hi-lighting what congress are trying to push through. Will it really go live in just 2 days???
Emma xx
love everything about this outfit... that dress is just perfect and you look great!
awesome blog.. would you like to follow each other?
I just found your blog and I love it! I follow you, follow each other? Send you the link to my blog if you want to visit to me and follow me, it would be a pleasure! ;)
Big kiss!
PD: cool stylel!!
love the huge round sunglasses with the daisy dress!
Great style and a wonderful blog <3
I've just found your blog and I'm loving your style :)
This outfit is so lovely! The hat and shoes make it so perfect!
Love it <3
You can enter our Romwe giveaway here
I love your hat
Love the whole outfit! jeansjacket and the glasses - <3 Wonderful!!
Hi! I'm new on your blog and I'm in LOVE with your smiley bracelet on this post!
Where do you buy it?
I can't find in any store online!! :( I hope you can help me.
Your blog and style are AMAZING.
Follow you, of course.
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