I've had this taco bag since I was 11 years old and used it all through middle school! I haven't used it since then, but I saw it just laying there and had to grab it! I really like it and I have no idea why I haven't worn it since, I guess I just forgot I had it. The title of this post is mainly just partaking in my recent obsession with hypnosis! We learned about it in Psychology and I will be checking out a few books on it from the library tomorrow! It is a fascinating concept and I personally believe it's the closest thing to magic that we have. I have also been reading books on wicca, witchcraft, and paganism while simultaneously doing my science homework.. Da irony is just well.. okay I think it's official that I can't go without saying one corny thing in a post. Imagine me in real life? Can't get enough of me I tell ya!
Have a wonderful day y'all.
Burnt orange-chocolate sweater - Obey sample sale
Black velvet top - from my local thrifty
Taco bag - Pac Sun
Shorts - DIY
Lace socks - eBay
Black creepers - online
Skulls and crosses necklace - Etsy
All other jewelry and belt - vintage/Melrose trading post

Love that cardi, you look great as always
I love the sparkly sweater and necklaces!
The taco bag is totally cool!
i am interested in paganism and witchcraft, too, tho i'm too lazy to really learn anything. I love what we can take from pagan teachings, like how Native American spiritualism teaches us that all things are connected and to respect nature. People said it was crap and didn't listen, and now look what is happening to the environment!
I like your style! Love that taco bag... can't believe you've had it for so long!! Also, really love your socks.. so sweet :)
I think the pics look fine, I didn't even notice. I love the sweater and studded shorts.
ermm you're the best. as usual. That sweater is sooo cool, and all your necklaces are perfect.
teeheeteehee taco bag.
I definitely have a bunch of books on paganism and witchcraft. I find it all really fascinating.. there are some really cool pagan/magik stores in the Twin Cities, I bet there are awesome ones in LA too.. You can get rocks, incense, books, pendents, herbs...candles.. basically everything you've ever wanted/needed.
eeeeee <3
Velvet, studs, creeper, cardigan! Ahh! That taco bag. You are a magical wonder of fashion. I love this.
awesome <3
Very impressed with this get up !
(Glad to see youre not one of the many young teens who think they can pull off tanktops in decemeber)
<3 the DIY shorts, very cute. I need to invest sometime into making a decent pair of studdly shorts.
You certainly do not seem 15 -- kudos grrrl~
Great outfit, once again.. you're killing it. I love the top, a lot.
wonderfull outfir
i like it^^
Woman, I love your outfit. The shoes and the accesorises especially. You look stunning!
love love this look!
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