Friday, January 27, 2012

Crochet & Velvet

Hello! First off, I'd like to say hello to my new followers! I can say that the outfit in my previous post, Cosmic Love, has been one of my favorites ever! Also, I've reached 300 followers on this blog! I don't know how to really express to you guys how much it means so much to me.. I remember when I reached 13 followers and I felt like I was on top of the world. So you can imagine how I feel now.. You guys rock! Ironically, I've got another pair of shit quality photos for you guys, brought to you by Byron. Sorry sorry sorry, but it's the outfit that counts right?

Heh so guess what?!!!!! Little Miss Codeine here finally got a pair of SHOES to match her title!!!!! I have literally 12948723984723 pieces of velvet clothing, not to mention, that 85% of all the clothes from Miracle Eye are velvet, obsession much? But now I've got velvet shoes, in burgundy <3 <3 <3

Now that we're on the topic of Miracle Eye, I've just stocked a pair of....... wait for it........ Vintage..... BUFFALO PLATFORMS!!!! Aaahhhh! They're so freakin' beautiful.. Seriously. Whoever buys these are purchasing a pair of the most amazing shoes ever to have been created. My mom saw me wearing these and couldn't stop laughing, some people just don't get it. Which is totally fine, because I don't see myself ever liking her 3 inch thin red stilettos :~)

Black chiffon dress - H&M
Black crochet kimono - Yard sale
Burgundy velvet Dr. Martens Shoes - eBay
Faux fur bag - F21
Yin and yang hologram necklace - trade with an Etsy seller

PS I promise I will show you these velvet shoes again with way better lighting that way you can bask in the glory of these babies sent from the heavens. Also, I've included a picture of the Buffalo platforms at the end of this post!


lizz said...

those shoes are fucking incredible!

Sandra Leiva said...

That dress is so cute, and I love love love your bag! <3

Roos' notes | Roos said...

those shoes are SO amazing. Love this outfit.

Izumihiiiflower said...

wow platform are so incredible! *ç*

Unknown said...

Yay for velvet shoes! And those platforms are frikin awesome. Seriously - the best shoes ever created. Are they comfy though? Love the dress and the kimono)


Gosia said...

The bag is perfect!

Lydia Armstrong said...

Those shoes in the last shot are crazy. I don't think I could walk in them. I had a pair of Marc by Marc Jacobs velvet flatform sandals that I got at a consignment shop for THIRTY dollars, and my friend's dog ate them...

Sophie Frances said...

i love this outfit! both pairs of shoes are rocking my world!

Violet E. said...

sooo awesome! <3

Anonymous said...

Holy hell I want those velvet docs. Congrats on reaching 300 followers! You deserve them all X 50000000000. I really love the crochet cardigan and furry bag. I am obsessed with crochet lately. Oh my f. Those platform shoes. SO MUCH LOVE. You rock.

Erin M said...

Your velvet shoes are gorgeous! Also, that crochet is wonderful.

Rachel Louisa. said...

Those velvet docs are a dream!

Dear Girl Wallflower said...

i like your dress, bag, shoes and the necklace!

Magnet said...

Aw congratulations on the followers! Damn, I would be excited too! I only have like 38 on bloglovin' right now ahahaha xD Anyway, the velvet shoes are so adorable. Ebay has the best stuff sometimes. I just realised how long your hair is, sooo jealous!!

Unknown said...

Perfect outfit post. X

franklyn.spence said...

You deserve it gal, I love your blog, I sold a pair of those buffalos last year, god they were hard to part with! Oh and just as a random gesture of kindness...I have a gift for you, just a little something I found amongst my jewellery that made me think of you. I guess its just a thank you for being such an inspirational young one. If you want I can email you a picture of it so you can see if you like it first, totally no strings, just a gesture from one girl to another. My email is Bye! xxxx

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

That lace dress is beautiful! =)

Anonymous said...

Lovely post! Love the look and that last photo's rad. Love the shoes, dude.

Shall we follow each other? I'm following you.


Adele Pierri said...

HOT! Love that lace cardi! and the glasses! Great post :)